Development of Algebraic Thinking in Elementary School: An Analysis from Design-Based Research

Charles Bruno da Silva Melo, Eleni Bisognin


Background: A concern originating from the professional experience of the researcher as a teacher in basic education, motivated by difficulties students face in developing concepts related to algebra, in addition to the analysis of external evaluations and academic products related to the subject. Objective: Analyse the development of algebraic thinking in 8th and 9th year students of fundamental education. Design: Based on theoretical-methodological assumptions of research based on design, using the phases proposed by Reeves (2000). Setting and participants: The pedagogical intervention involved 22 students from two classes of 8th and 9th grade of fundamental education, where the researcher was class regent, in a public school in Cerro Branco, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data collection and analysis: The data were obtained by participant observation, field diary and documentary analysis. Results: It is possible to verify that students have difficulties interpreting quests in explaining the reasoning used in the solutions as mathematical concepts. In all of these questions, they are mobilised, even partially, except for the capacity to think algebraically, therefore, a partial mobilisation of the capacity to establish relationships and comparisons, fundamental for the structure of algebraic thinking, can compromise the mobilisation of other capacities. Conclusions: The results reveal that it is necessary to offer students a teaching that mobilises these capacities through the stimuli provided by the teachers.


algebraic thinking. teaching and learning algebra. It is fundamental. design-based research

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Direitos autorais 2024 Charles Bruno da Silva Melo, Eleni Bisognin

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