The Change of University Teaching in Science and Technology According to Students: A Qualitative Study
Background: In different areas, a profound transformation of university teaching has been demanded, especially in science and technology subjects, towards an approach focused on the active learning of the student, which implies changes in the way of conceiving and practising the contents, the methods, and assessment forms. To promote these changes, teacher education programs accompanying and guiding teachers are required, as is student involvement as a source of privileged information. Objectives: To know the opinions and appraisals of science and technology students about the classroom improvement cycles (Ciclos de Mejora en el Aula—CIMA) applied by their teachers during a teacher education program. Design: A qualitative methodology whose design is framed in the descriptive-interpretive and categorical analysis of the content. Setting and participants: Eighty-six students of scientific-technical curriculum components who received innovative classes from teachers participating in the Teacher Education, Innovation, and Research program (Formación, Innovación e Investigación Docente - FIDOP) of the University of Seville. Data Collection and Analysis: The responses to the open questions of the C-Renoves (Creencias de los estudiantes sobre innovaciones en la Educación Superior) [Students’ Beliefs about Innovations in Higher Education] questionnaire, validated by the judgment of experts in scientific-technical areas, were categorised and analysed according to four previous categories: contents, methodology, evaluation, and appraisal of the experience. Results: The results indicate that most teachers followed an active approach focused on learning, with a very positive assessment of the students, especially concerning working with problems and cases connected to reality, developing reflective thinking, considering students’ ideas, and teachers’ attitudes and commitment. They also criticise and suggest improvements regarding the persistence of traditional evaluation and the need to adjust the time and workloads of the activities better. Conclusions: Students’ answers show a positive evolution of science and technology teachers participating in the FIDOP Program. They have provided valuable information for their teachers and helped improve the program.
Higher education, Teaching innovation, Student opinion, Science and technology
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Direitos autorais 2024 Gabriela Carolina Cattani Delord
Esta obra está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.
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