Modified implant-supported fixed maxillary prosthesis: removable gingival veneer retained with attachments

Jeferson L. Robaiolli, Bruno R. Rybu, Roberta P. Russomanno, Luis C. F. Frasca, Elken G. Rivaldo


This study reports a clinical case of prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with a totally edentulous maxilla using a fixed prosthesis supported by six implants, but modified by the inclusion of a removable gingival veneer retained with attachments. This alternative provides a rehabilitation model as functional and comfortable as the fixed prosthesis, enhancing facial aesthetics (reestablishing lip support) and phonetics and facilitating patient access for proper peri- implant hygiene and prosthesis cleaning. We concluded that implant-supported fixed maxillary restorations, modified by the inclusion of a removable gingival veneer, come as a great alternative in cases of severe maxillary alveolar ridge atrophy.

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