The movement of the constitution of the identity of a mathematics teachers’ educator: evidence based on two preceptors’ role in the Pedagogical Residency Program

Robson Alves Faria, Douglas da Silva Tinti


Background: In the Pedagogical Residency Program, preceptors are basic education teachers who accompany teaching degree students, known as residents, in activities performed in the school environment. Objective: To investigate the performance of preceptors during their insertion in the Pedagogical Residency Program to understand its repercussions on the movement of constituting the identity of mathematics teacher educators. Design: This study is characterised by being of a qualitative nature. Data collection and analysis: Semi-structured interviews. Setting and participants: Two mathematics preceptors from the Pedagogical Residency Program. Results: The interviews were transcribed and analysed in light of the characterisation of the professional identity of a teacher who teaches mathematics, as proposed by Cyrino (2017). Conclusions: This characterisation was found to be close to that of the identity of the educator of the teacher who teaches mathematics.


Programa Residência Pedagógica; Preceptor de Matemática; Identidade de Formador de professores de Matemática; Educação Matemática

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Direitos autorais 2024 Robson Alves Faria, Douglas da Silva Tinti

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