The Curriculum Proposals of the State of São Paulo in the 1980s: Impacts of a New Expertise for Teaching
Background: The historical analysis of a given curricular production makes it possible to understand how, at a given time, the production of new knowledge occurs, made official in some documents, thus providing references for teaching and teacher education. Objectives: The study intends to answer the following question: How to understand the negative criticisms disseminated by the press to this curricular production, in terms of the elaboration of a new teaching expertise? Design: This study is a research from a historical perspective. This is a documentary research that has as its source material from newspapers from the 1980s. Setting and Participants: The research presents aspects of a curriculum production from the 1980s. Sows the impacts emitted by the newspapers of the time on a curricular production. Data collection and analysis: As an empiric of the research, the articles published in São Paulo newspapers are considered at the time of the elaboration of the proposals. Such a question is justified, therefore, because it makes it possible to explain the process of producing new knowledge for teaching based on the actions of experts. Results: Going through the actions of the experts shows us that it is fundamental to understand the tensions between the fields present behind the scenes of elaboration. From the tensions, knowledge will be theoretically constructed. Conclusions The answer obtained shows the decisive role of the press and the struggles waged for the consolidation of this official curricular document. The curricular documents of a given time govern and provide references for the teaching and training of teachers of that time.
Curriculum; Expert; CENP; Expertise; Press
- Não há apontamentos.
Direitos autorais 2022 Wagner Rodrigues Valente, Gisele de Gouvêa

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