Aspects Considered by a Prospective Teacher When Reflecting on a Virtual Classroom

Yuri Morales-López, Adriana Breda, Vicenç Font Moll


Background: Reflection is one of the fundamental skills in initial teacher training, and curricula need to consider activities in a variety of educational contexts and situations that allow or encourage its development. Objectives: This investigation is intended to characterise the pedagogical, mathematical, and technological criteria that a prospective mathematics teacher establishes and uses when reflecting on events occurring in a virtual classroom. Design: The investigation was guided by a qualitative methodology of an exploratory-descriptive nature. Setting and Participants: the participant was a fifth-year licentiate student, and the data were collected during the second semester of 2022. Data collection and analysis: The content analysis method was used, and information was collected through questionnaires. Results: The results show that this student was able to adapt predefined schemes or proposals from the Technological, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model to create indicators that allowed her to carry out a descriptive but not particularly analytical reflection, however, although such adaptation was in agreement with expectations, there was little creation of new aspects. Conclusions: It is concluded that to provide an opportunity for prospective teachers to reflect on a lesson, previous aspects or other models or theories can be studied since starting directly from the TPACK domains and sub-domains may not be a practical methodological tool for student reflection, given that this framework does not have analysis criteria for improvement.


Mathematics education; prospective teacher training; structure of knowledge; TPACK; virtual class

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Direitos autorais 2023 Yuri Morales-López, Adriana Breda, Vicenç Font Moll

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